General Surgery
San Bernardino & Riverside

Call to book an appointment: (909) 747-0371 or fill out the request form below

Cal Med Ambulatory Surgery Center San Bernardino

Premier General Surgery Providers

A premier surgical provider group whose mission is to offer the highest quality health care to residents of the Inland Empire.

What is a General Surgeon?

According to the American Board of Surgery, general surgeons are highly skilled surgeons who perform operations addressing areas of the body such as the abdomen, breast, skin and endocrine system.

In addition, a certified general surgeon has broad knowledge and experience in surgical critical care, surgical oncology and trauma.

San Bernardino general surgery patients Riverside general surgery patients patient for general surgery in San Bernardino holding ear

General Surgery Providers

Trained Surgeons

If you're looking for the best in general surgery San Bernardino is home to Cal Med Physicians and Surgeons. We specialize in a wide range of systems and anatomical regions to give residents of San Bernardino County the best medical care available. They are trained and qualified to provide quality surgical care of the patient.

Premier Facilities

Our surgeons serve as the main surgical providers at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center (except for orthopedics), including in the level 2 trauma center and regional burn center, as well as Community Hospital of San Bernardino. Our neurosurgeons also provide services at Riverside University Health System Medical Center.

A general surgeon can help you if you need:

  • To be referred by your doctor (who works closely with general surgeons) when a more invasive intervention is required
  • A surgical procedure that falls within the parameters of a general surgeon
  • A weight loss procedure that deals with the abdomen
  • Emergency care such as skin burns, internal bleeding and resuscitation
  • Pre- or post-surgical care that demands for a general surgeon to understand and interpret your medical records and health results and administer drugs if necessary; a general surgeon is also knowledgeable in the management of pain and the healing of wounds
  • Minimally invasive surgery that only require small incisions and the risks of complications are low

Our San Bernardino general surgeons focus and can perform a variety of surgeries such as:

  • Organs of the abdomen, including esophagus, stomach, small bowel, colon, liver, pancreas, gallbladder and bile ducts, and often the thyroid gland
  • Things that involve the skin, breast, soft tissue and hernias
  • Can sub-specialize in trauma surgery, laparoscopic surgery, colorectal surgery, breast surgery, vascular surgery, endocrine surgery, transplant surgery and cardiothoracic surgery

Call us today to book an appointment.

(909) 747-0371

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Ambulatory Phlebectomy

This procedure is utilized when a varicose vein issue does not respond to VNUS Closure or sclerotherapy. The process involves making tiny incisions in the leg to remove the varicose veins. 

Breast Cancer Surgery

A general surgeon can perform most of the non-cosmetic breast surgeries, including mastectomy, to help diagnose breast cancer. In women, she can be looking for such conditions as benign lumps, fibrocystic breast changes, and breast infections.

Cardiothoracic Surgery

Specializing in the esophagus, heart, lungs and other organs in the chest, a cardiothoracic surgeon can perform procedures to deal with diseases such as heart failure and coronary artery, one of the most common diseases. She can treat other conditions like blockages or leakage in the heart valve(s), aneurysms or enlargement of the large arteries in the chest, and atrial fibrillation.

Colon Cancer Surgery

A colonoscopy helps to screen for colon cancer early, which can make a big difference since colon cancers can quickly grow very large. And without warning. It is recommended that routine screening begin at age 50. Many tumors from colon and rectal cancers can be cured by surgical removal.

Colorectal Surgery

The general surgeons at our San Bernardino surgery center can address a wide range of diseases related to the colon and the rectum with conditions such as constipation, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, fistulas, gastrointestinal bleeding, and hemorrhoids.

Core or Open Breast Biopsy

A biopsy helps to diagnose breast abnormalities.

Endocrine Surgery

These procedures focus on diseases of the adrenal glands, pancreas, parathyroid and thyroid. Most of the surgeries are minimally invasive to remove cancer and noncancerous tumors.

Gallbladder Surgery

We can treat and remove gallstones by using an ultrasound exam with high-frequency sound waves to produce pictures of the gallbladder. Surgical removal is the most utilized treatment.


One of the most common ailments in either men or women, it affects more than 50% of people at least once in their life. Some patients need surgical treatment for symptomatic hemorrhoids. The swollen veins can be internal, inside the rectum, or external, under the skin around the anus. Constipation is the main cause of hemorrhoids but there are other effects such as being overweight, pregnant women, and straining to move bowels. When any of the symptoms such as bright red blood on toilet tissue appears, it is important to go see your doctor.

Laparoscopic Surgery

Laparoscopic procedures have evolved to provide minimal access using small instruments and cameras that can be inserted through 3 to 15mm incisions. It can be effective in treating and removing appendices, colons and gallbladders.

Liver and Pancreas Surgery

One of our general surgeons can address diseases of the liver, pancreas and biliary organs to deal with conditions like benign non-cancerous tumors, bile duct inflammation or injuries, liver trauma, pancreatic cancer, and portal hypertension.

Lung Surgery

We can treat some lung diseases with a thoracoscopy procedure and we can also perform surgery for malignant and benign lung disease.

Pediatric Surgery

Pediatric surgeons provide surgical care for various conditions that affect children, from newborn babies through the teenage years. Here are some of the conditions neonatal to help repair birth defects, prenatal to detect any abnormalities during the fetal stage of a child’s development, oncology to treat malignant tumors or benign growths in children, and trauma involving injuries sustained by children.


This procedure treats varicose veins by injecting a compound into the vein to shut it down so the blood supply is absorbed by the body. Our surgeons use a vascular ultrasound to locate each vessel and make precise injections. This procedure is 90% effective in getting rid of the majority of those veins.

Severe Burns

We can treat children and adults for different types of burns as well as open wounds that require special care.

Skin and Soft Tissue Surgery

We have general surgeons who perform a number of surgeries on the skin that range from minor to more complex issues. For example, it could concern the removal of a suspicious mole, treating a major burn, take out a tumor in the muscles or soft tissues, or a subcutaneous infection. 

Small Intestine Disorders

The small intestine, also known as the small bowel, connects the stomach to the large intestine and is affected by some conditions like Celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Stomach and Esophagus Surgery

Our general surgeons can treat diseases of the stomach and/or esophagus using minimally invasive surgery and laparoscopic surgery to help our patients with conditions such as Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Barrett’s esophagus, and gastric cancer.

Surgical Oncology

It surgically treats tumors, especially cancerous tumors.

Thyroid Surgery

Our general surgeons can remove partial and total thyroid.

Transplant Surgery

This procedure allows us to surgical remove an organ(s), tissue or blood product from one person, a donor, and then surgically place or infuse it into another person, the recipient. Transplant can include hearts, kidneys, livers, lungs, and pancreas, among other organs.

Trauma Surgery

Our surgeons deal with a wide range of traumatic injuries in an acute setting involving many areas of the body like abdomen, chest, and neck. They often have to deal with multiple injuries that can implicate different organ systems and determine the best course of action.


We have ultrasound equipment for use in our facility that assists for conditions such as breast disease, lymph node and thyroid evaluations, varicose veins and vascular disease, among others.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are very common and can be treated at our center. It is best to stop a vein before it stretches too large and become painful. A varicose vein is the larger vein and located under the skin while the smaller vein, called spider veins, can be found within the skin. Varicose veins can be treated with VNUS closure and ambulatory phlebectomy while spider veins can be taken care of with sclerotherapy. 

Vascular Surgery

Our specialists are highly trained to treat diseases related to your blood vessels, especially the hardening of the arteries that can obstruct the flow of blood in your body. We deal with different types of surgeries from minimally invasive procedures to more open and complicated surgeries.

VNUS Closure

This minimally invasive procedure is used to help patients with superficial varicose veins and venous reflux. The VNUS Closure option uses ultrasound and provides result in which 94 to 100% of varicose veins are invisible after the procedure.

Why Choose Cal Med Physicians and Surgeons?

Cal Med Physicians and Surgeons is a premier surgical provider group whose mission is to offer the highest quality health care to residents of the Inland Empire. Formerly known as Arrowhead Community Surgical Medical Group, Inc., Cal Med is a unique group with approximately 35 licensed and board certified surgeons, including neurosurgeons, ophthalmologists, ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialists, oral, vascular and general surgeons.

Our surgeons serve as the main surgical providers (except orthopedics) at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center, including in the level 2 trauma center and regional burn center, and provide surgical services at Community Hospital of San Bernardino. Our neurosurgeons provide services not only to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center but also to Riverside University Health System Medical Center and Desert Regional Medical Center.

Our president, Dr. Dev GnanaDev, is an associate medical director and chairman of the surgery department at the Arrowhead Regional Medical Center.

Please contact our office by phone or complete the appointment request form. Our scheduling coordinator will contact you to confirm your appointment.

Call us Today (909) 747-0371